
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Here in Stockton, our city Council assisted the City Manager to come up with the ACTION PLAN FOR FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY and ADOPTED it on June 22, 2010 . It was drawn up to point the council in the right direction, well fiscally anyways....

Two years later and we still have the exact same problems. We have another budget deficit, we're expecting cuts too our already low force, mediating a bankruptcy, and will also be electing a mayor in the process. What has happened in Stockton is haunting. To go from a world class city, to a collection of criminals, whom are out on bail to bust your tail. With this Action Plan They have Acheived nothing.

"The City of Stockton faces immediate and long term challanges caused in part by escalating, and unfunded costs in its agreements.." June 22, 2010

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